Monday, March 9, 2009


A very poor turn out on Sunday the 1st, only 4 of us! it just turned to rubbish, we thought "ohwell we will just go for a chilled ride at the museum" which lasted 10 mins before heading off for beer and lunch. We ended up doing more shoping then riding...benzy packing his new courier bag full of shoes... (ok, there where a few people away, no excuses for everyone else)

It was nice to have a few crew riding yesterday though. The day started off with Danny not getting his hands dirty while Luke put his new Fuji(?) track pro together outside the Heist. After a few dramas, mainly a broken plastic bb cup they where pretty much sorted and we left them to it.

We headed out to Hawthorn velodrome for a few laps, not quite what i expected...(stolen pic)
Rode over to Carnegie velodrome, again not quite what i was expecting but still some fun. Best part was how smooth the concrete was, by far the smoothest outdoor track ive been on! True to form Benny tatts smashed a few laps while dodging kids on scooters and even a mtb with a trailer bike thingy attached...crazy folk out that way.(another stolen pic)
We smashed a few powerades, poped some wheelies and did some sweet airs before heading towards the beach and onto this sweet american style diner called 'Mistys'.
Dinning to the sweet sweet sounds of elvis and american accents. Plenty of crazy american drinks, sweets and food for all. We smashed some burger and fries and drowned that down with some 'soda pop', (or for a select few a soda and a thick shake, complete with whole reces pieces) exactly what the doctor ordered after a long ride. Nothing like burning calories for a few hours only to fill up again...
All in all a good day out. It was great to be able to take advantage of the nice weather while its still around! See you all next week for more adventures and calorie binging !


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