Monday, June 22, 2009

Cranky Breakfast

Cranky Sundays has evolved in many way over the the past few years..
I'm going to be honest with you, I come along for the ride.
The social side is a benefit, although there seems to be a lot more fluffing around and less riding.
Maybe if there is going to be a breakfast involved, those people could meet up at 11 and meet the rest at 12?
Sorry, just calling it as I see it.


Cheesman said...

I agree. Too much screwing about. I know this is a relaxed ride but it is still a ride. The relaxed part is my favourite part. 12 noon gives enough time to eat breakfast and still have a sleep in. Finish up at 2-3 and have a well deserved lunch. What say you?

The R said...

its a shame, it was fanchised out.....

HANS-DC said...

Evis has been just elected team leader!

Im cool with that. You just gots to convince the rest of em. And most of the 'fluffing' about is caused by not knowing where we wanna go. If someone decides it starts then I promise it will be smoother with more riding.

Problem is - no one wants to make that call.

Benzy said...

yeah cool,im a big one for the cafe before i must admit,especially if if ridden disc for 3 hrs in the morning,which is no ones problem but my own to get to the ride in time,i was super keen on heading to black rock last ride,we got to st kilda and the weather got dodgy and crew were out,lets definately plan a frankston and return ride soon.

nhd said...

try a mordy return ride before franga! in bad weather aswell, can be an easy ride are a hell ride!

Unknown said...

I appreciate that some hit the track or go for previous earlier rides on Sunday.. I am occasionally one of these people.. I am afraid that sometimes that the Cranky Ride is just a warm down ride for some.. This is not a bad thing at all, although, if you haven't ridden that morning you feel like your missing out a little.. I agree with you Hansy.. No-one really wants to take the lead.. I do not know many other routes other than the ones we regularly visit.. I am happy to put in some suggestions on the blog during the week.. Maybe we should just rotate the few we do know and build up the distances and the pace? We could take a direction per week each month? For instance North.. Coburg Velo, East.. Bike Trails or The Hills, South.. Mordi, Franga, West.. Williamstown and so on.. Then the onus is not on any one person.. By narrowing it down to a direction we could change the destination if someone has a better idea.. Or the weather forbids us..

How does that sound?

Unknown said...

here is a site we may be able to use:

brendan said...

i've never been on a cranky's ride, but was under the impression they were meant to be social occasions... if you want to ride harder, go on the wednesday night fixie ride (6.30 at fed sq), or do like old mate TC and take your fixie on the hell ride.

Crunkillstiltskin said...

why not set up a voting system or something so people can give ideas on where to go here and then people can vote also on here. or would that be dumb?

Benzy said...

Hey Brendan,you should def come for the cranky ride m8, be good to see you there,and i think input from everyone regarding routes and mixing it up as evisu had explained sounds like the best way,im sure with everyones thoughts and a little planning we can get the most out of our sunday riding.

HANS-DC said...

The more I think about it, the more I think that this is just all too complicated.

I reckon if you wanna go for a decent ride, then you should be ready to take charge and have a destination. Everyone rocks up, you call it, and we go. If you don't feel like doing it, voice your opinion but you better have a better suggestion. Otherwise you don't have to come. And if majority votes against it, then we don't have to do it.

How does that sound?

Ian Human said...

Sounds good Hans, sounds good.

Over-organising this would kill it.

Maybe Crankys could start at 11:30 with breakfast from now on though, to take into consideration what Evisu has said. That way, most of the eating will be out of the way by twelve, for a departure of not much later than 12:30. People do still turn up late, and it's nice to destroy a coffee beforehand too.

I think it's a pretty fair compromise.

cam green said...

is cranky as we know it gone???

what if we made a new meeting place! Mess Hall at 1130??? coffee/food first, rock out at 1230(ish)...

(again, just a thought. although perhaps a drastic thought considering the hiest is cranky's home!)