Tuesday, July 14, 2009

and you thought it was hard fixed...


Benzy said...

this video is the equivalent of growing a good mullet!

liam said...

i had wondered why no one had ripped out some no handed wheelies before, but this is insane. raises the bar higher then mortal humans can hope to achieve.

cam green said...

i think the key to his success is the fact that hes climbing the whole way...

nikcee said...

i need to find the shots of the italian guy that does the alpine climbs on a bike with no bars and stem. insanity!

Benzy said...

is it the dude that also plays instruments? hes a rad man.

Cay Brøndum said...

My deepest respect. Wheelies are cool no matter what....This is a great example that a true wheelie has nothing to do with power. It´s will, balance and control. Bravo

Cool Blog

