Monday, August 24, 2009


Just hyping up the tricks for this weekend...

NO CASSETTES Bicycle Film Festival Entry from FonsecaFilms on Vimeo.


Josh.V. said...

that vid is killer ... fonseca has outdone himself on this one !!

cam green said...

some of the tricks are impressive, but most of the riding is rough as guts and ridding away from tricks with your bars backwards and cutting clips before you crash and claiming them is not talent...

my 2c.

Josh.V. said...

cameron !! yeah the riding might not have been up to scratch but the actuall movie was cool i thought ! how mad would it be to ride in those massive aquaducts they have over there !!

HANS-DC said...

You have to start somewhere don' you?

Skateboarding and BMX were also rough as guts when they first blew up many years ago.

If the internet was a big as it is today back then, Im sure the same thing would be happening.

cam green said...

totally. the movie overall is quite rad. it just seems rushed though.