Monday, February 8, 2010

No War for Love

This friday... come celebrate Valentines Day early with your 'other love'.

With Chaz brainfarting at the St Ali alleycat he is promising a return to the podium but with Ryan playing Mr Mom he might be without a suitable pacesetter, and who knows what the cunning mind of Zoe has dreamt up to distract and delay racers.

I know that several of our extended crew are bringing their ladyfriends out for this (and I have been assured its not a hard/long race). So if you are thinking about it, do it!

Remember to bring a BAG, LOCK and ONE CAMERA (per team)

Come out and have some fun for a damn good cause.


Ian Human said...

Don't have kids, kids.

Chaz said...

I want back on that podium. I've spent all day on google maps analysing saturdays race - this is no way to live.

Trigger said...

I would say that about a lot of your lifestye choices Chaz....
I'm riding with my lady, this way being fat won't need to be an excuse.

Ryan: I wish you were my dad.